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Cultivating faith and work integration in the Bay Area to transform people who are transforming the world


10 Counties

8 million people

6951 square miles

$1.3T GDP

400K Tech Workers

Silicon Valley is the new Rome of our time, meaning a place in the world that ends up deciding how a lot of the rest of the world lives. You can’t live on planet Earth and be unaffected, directly or indirectly, by the decisions made in this relatively small patch of the world.

Anand Giridharadas, TechCrunch, September 2020


The tech-related work outputs of the Bay Area are shaping culture on a global scale, but tend to prioritize profit over human flourishing. This presents an amazing opportunity for Christians, but most either assimilate to the culture or separate their faith from work. This leads to disintegration: a compartmentalization of faith and work which leads to impaired gospel witness and ill-informed influence at work.


We want to see more Integrated Disciples in the Bay Area. That means on an individual level, they are able to have a consistent identity in all areas of their lives. As a result, they embody a compelling witness wherever they go. It also enables them to become an agent of redemption and participate in God’s renewal of culture through their work.


We want to see more Integrated Disciples in the Bay Area. That means on an individual level, they are able to have a consistent identity in all areas of their lives. As a result, they embody a compelling witness wherever they go. It also enables them to become an agent of redemption and participate in God’s renewal of culture through their work.



Two different families of programs to address different kinds of people: one run out of local churches, led by pastors and supported by Faith, Work & Tech; another run for people in the workplace addressing work-specific questions.

Church-First Programs

Deep dive discipleship programs with development, content, and delivery made in, from and for the Bay Area

Work-First Programs

Diverse set of research-designed programs rooted in work-oriented problems and longings, targeted to unique segments



Connect all the current efforts that are out there by becoming the go-to hub for all things Faith, Work & Tech in the Bay Area. One way we plan to do that is by hosting an annual Bay Area Faith and Work Summit which convenes and showcases organizations doing similar work.


Create new programs addressing the needs of people within the church and in the workplace. Faith, Work & Tech will also create content which engages the conversation around technology, humanity, and how our faith connects.


Catalyze new efforts for faith and work integration in the Bay Area. This could include helping to run FWT programs, an in-house incubator for new initiatives, a playbook for launching a co-working space on church property, or any number of new ideas.


Because of the unique opportunity we have in the Bay Area, we are working toward transformation in two dimensions. By capitalizing on our church unity, we will see pastors, churches, and networks of churches transformed. By targeting the work world, we will see leaders, companies, and industries transformed. When you put that together, you get increasing redemptive influence at scale. 

This vision for the Bay Area Center for Faith, Work and Tech is unique. Through transformation on these two axes, we expect to see cultural renewal throughout the Bay Area which will in turn affect the world.


Denise Lee Yohn

Co-Founder, Co-Executive Director

Denise Lee Yohn is the founder and director of Faith & Work Journey and a keynote speaker, consultant, and writer on brand leadership.

Paul Taylor

Co-Founder, Co-Executive Director

Paul has been a Teaching Pastor at Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto since 2007. He is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry in Faith, Work, Economics and Vocation.

Dan Perkins

Director of Operations

Dan has over 30 years of experience in executive leadership and operational management as the team catalyst for Planning Center Online, a lead pastor and most recently as the Executive Pastor at WestGate Church in San Jose.



Denise Lee Yohn

Co-Founder, Co-Executive Director

Paul Taylor

Co-Founder, Co-Executive Director

Andrew Laffoon

Board Chair, CEO Mixbook

Nancy Ortberg

Board Member, CEO Transforming the Bay with Christ

Andy Yang

Board Member, 2x Tech CEO


Denise Lee Yohn

Co-Founder, Co-Executive Director

Paul Taylor

Co-Founder, Co-Executive Director

Andrew Laffoon

Board Chair, CEO Mixbook

Nancy Ortberg

Board Member, CEO Transforming the Bay with Christ

Andy Yang

Board Member, 2x Tech CEO


Advisory Council

Brian Gray

VP of Formation, Denver Institute

Advisory Council

Caitlin Rhodes-Karahadian

Pastor & Co-Planter, West Valley Neighborhood Church

Advisory Council

Chloe Lubinski

Organizational Health Consultant

Advisory Council

David Gill

Founder, WP313

Advisory Council

Henry Kaestner

Co-Founder, Sovereign's Capital

Advisory Council

Jess Chin

Marketing Executive

Advisory Council

John Kim

FaithTech, Silicon Valley

Advisory Council

Kate Kruizenga

VP, Operations at Arbital Heath

Advisory Council

Kate Lucky

Senior Editor, Christianity Today

Advisory Council

Marie-Ange Tagne

Product Leader, Meta

Advisory Council

Mark Roberts

Fuller Seminary

Advisory Council

Roy Tinklenberg

Founder, Faith & Work Movement

Advisory Council

Toby Kurth

Director of Multiply, TBC

Advisory Council

William Norvell

Founder & President, Forte


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