Our Mission

Cultivating faith and work integration in the Bay Area to transform people who are transforming the world.

Our Vision

Over the next 10 years, we want to see:

The Bay Area known as the place in the world where people come not only to score the best tech jobs, but also where Christ-followers live out their faith in radically holistic ways.

A robust ecosystem of church and business partner organizations working together to raise up followers of Jesus who are equipped and empowered to practically apply Kingdom principles at work, creating a vibrant web of gospel witness in the world of work.

A tidal wave of transformation that renews work culture itself – company cultures formed in Kingdom principles, products designed to enhance not diminish our humanity, and a Silicon Valley ethos that orients toward purpose over profit.

We want to raise up more Integrated Disciples in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Integrated discipleship is the deep, formative process of reuniting the sacred and secular divide between faith and work, resulting in a life in which Christians maintain a consistent identity in all areas of their lives, embody a compelling gospel witness wherever they go, and participate in God’s renewal of culture,  especially through their work.

Integrated discipleship is holistic. It includes our head (knowledge), our heart (desires) and our hands (practice), and involves helping people know why and how their work matters to God, feel the deepest longings of their hearts connected in and to Christ, and practice Kingdom principles together in community.

Integrated discipleship results in transformation. If we transform the individuals and leaders who influence culture in the Bay Area, we can impact millions of lives throughout the world – both directly through exposure to transformed individuals and businesses, and indirectly through products and services that have been influenced for the better by Kingdom culture.

A Vision For Scale

Because of the unique opportunity we have in the Bay Area, and the complementary experiences, passions, and connections of our co-founders, we can work toward transformation in two dimensions. By capitalizing on church unity, we will see pastors, churches, and networks of churches transformed. By engaging people in the work world, we will see leaders, companies, and industries transformed. When you put that together, you get increasing redemptive influence at scale. 

This vision for the Bay Area Center for Faith, Work and Tech is unique. Through transformation on these two axes, we expect to see cultural renewal throughout the Bay Area and the world.