Our Story

The Bay Area Center for Faith, Work & Tech was born from a shared vision to unite two essential aspects of life—faith and work. Our story begins when God brought two passionate individuals, Paul Taylor and Denise Lee Yohn, together to spark a movement integrating these two worlds.

Paul Taylor felt called to pastoral ministry at the age of 16, yet God led him first into the business world. After earning an Engineering degree from Stanford, Paul worked as a Product Manager at Oracle Corporation. He moved to Texas to earn a Masters in Theology from Dallas Seminary, but never lost a sense of calling to the San Francisco Bay Area. In 2007, he returned as a Pastor at Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto. Years of ministry among tech professionals fostered a growing sense of burden for engaging theologically with the cultural influence of this area. In 2016, Paul launched allthingsnew.tech, a blog and podcast exploring the theology of technology. He also initiated a marketplace track within his church’s Leadership Institute, a nine-month program designed to help individuals discover and sustain God’s unique calling in their lives. Currently, Paul is pursuing a Doctor of Ministry in Faith, Work, Economics, and Vocation from Fuller Seminary.

Denise Lee Yohn began her career in Corporate America around the same time she became a follower of Christ. Struggling with the disconnect between her faith and work, Denise delved into Christian teachings on integrating these two critical areas of life. Over the years, Denise established herself as a consultant, author, and keynote speaker in brand building and leadership. In 2002, she was invited by her pastor to launch a marketplace ministry at her church in San Diego. Then in 2016, Denise moved to the Bay Area and recognized the need for deep, faith-based work discipleship—something she wished she had earlier in her career. This realization led her to launch Faith & Work Journey in 2020, a non-profit dedicated to helping Christian professionals steward their vocations faithfully.

When Paul and Denise crossed paths, they quickly recognized their shared passion for integrating faith and work. Inspired by similar organizations in other U.S. cities, such as the Center for Faith & Work in New York City founded by Tim Keller, they began to dream about what a center in the Bay Area could look like.

It became clear that God had been at work long before their meeting, laying the groundwork for this new endeavor. They saw a unique opportunity to unify existing efforts, develop new programs, leverage the powerful unity among local churches, and address the growing desire among Christian professionals for purpose and connection. It seemed as if God had been assembling the pieces of a new faith and work center like the creation of a bonfire. All that remained was for a group of people to light the fire and spark a movement.