Content & Resources

As Christians in the San Francisco Bay Area, we have a unique opportunity – and responsibility – to contribute to the conversation around faith, work and technology. This needs to include entrepreneurs, employees, theologians, pastors, scholars, and more. Through our network, we cultivate and curate thought leadership from a variety of voices and perspectives.

Blog Aaron Alvarado Blog Aaron Alvarado

On Partnership

The creation of man and woman can teach us a whole lot, but here is one important takeaway: we need a partnership, a team, to do our work well. Certainly, an important lesson is also that we need both men and women participating to get good work done. But this is not just about male and female, it’s about human partnership.

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Blog Aaron Alvarado Blog Aaron Alvarado

On Laying Down Our Burdens

As followers of Jesus, what we learn in the Scriptures contradicts the predominant ethics of tech. The Bible teaches us that we need Jesus everyday to live this life according to His promises and calling. We can't do it alone. We need His wisdom, strength, and grace. 

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Blog Aaron Alvarado Blog Aaron Alvarado

On “Playing it Safe”

What does it mean to take a meaningful risk? Not to do something crazy, put my life in danger, or risk the well-being of my family—but to put something at stake that truly matters. To find out who Jesus made me to be.

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Blog Aaron Alvarado Blog Aaron Alvarado

On the Freedom of Sabbath

In a world that is harried and hurried, frantic and frenetic, what if we lived lives punctuated by rhythms of joyful rest and trust? Would that not make us stand out from a divided, weary, and combative culture? Would a spirit of rest and trust not exist in contrast to the driven Silicon Valley and the greater Bay Area?

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Blog Aaron Alvarado Blog Aaron Alvarado

On Nonconformity

God gives us insights through many channels but we Christians believe God has spoken most fully and clearly, uniquely and authoritatively, in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. There will be no racism, no harassment, no worker or client disrespect, no trashing of the environment where people are transformed by a quest to know and do the will of God, where Jesus is truly the anchor of our values and work practices.

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Blog Aaron Alvarado Blog Aaron Alvarado

On Giving and Receiving Feedback

As Christians, we are called to have right relationships with people, not transactional or superficial ones. Jesus cared deeply about his disciples as whole human beings beyond the success they could help him achieve for his ministry. The early church sought the welfare and prosperity of all people, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or class. The Body of Christ thrives when we identify and unleash the gifts of each member, the hand working with the foot working with the eyes and the nose.

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