Following the Great Physician - Christians in Medicine | Part 1

BECOMING A PHYSICIAN takes years of rigorous, expensive, demanding study and training. It is usually carried out in high-stress workplaces like hospitals, where peoples’ lives and health are at stake. Doctors often (not always!) get paid a lot but the expenses of education, practice, insurance, equipment, etc., are also massive. The opportunity to do good—and prevent bad—in medicine is big. The risks and rewards are both high. What does Christian faith bring to a physician in his or her practice? What difference does (or could) it make? How could the church best support its doctors and other health care personnel (as well as patients)?

These ideas and questions (and ones shared) framed our Forum discussion with Dr. Phil Stillman on October 23, 2021.

Chaplains in the Health Care Trenches | Part 2


Following the Great Physician - Christians in Medicine | Part 2