WORKSTORIES No.6 | Paul Figueroa • Police Officer (retired)

HOW DOES A FOLLOWER of the Prince of Peace practice workplace discipleship on a police force? How does the purpose and mission of the police relate to Scripture like the Romans 13:3-4 statement about “governing authority”— “For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Do you wish to have no fear of the authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive its approval; for it is God’s servant for your good. But if you do what is wrong, you should be afraid, for the authority does not bear the sword in vain! It is the servant of God to execute wrath on the wrongdoer.” In an era of growing lawlessness, violence, and fears of either lack of adequate policing or overzealous policing, what is the contribution Christians in police work can make to justice and peace?

Paul Figueroa, a native of Oakland, California, served on the Oakland police force from 1995 to 2022. Paul held a wide array of ranks from Police Officer to Assistant Chief of Police. He has extensive experience in field command, criminal investigations, accountability, auditing, administration, leadership, trust-building, and a variety of community policing programs. Paul is a nationally-recognized expert on procedural justice and police legitimacy. He earned a BA in Political Science, an MA in Public Administration, and an EdD in Organizational Leadership. Combining his academic and professional work, Paul created a model for building trust between the police and the community.

Paul is a longtime member and lay leader at his home church, First Covenant in Oakland.

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WORKSTORIES No.5 | Steve Turner • Rock Journalist & Poet


WORKSTORIES No.7 | Randy Pope • Attorney