WORKSTORIES No.10 | Dave Monk • IT Consultant

IN MULTIPLE WAYS, technology is a major force in our changing world. It used to be taken for granted that technology was just about tools, machines, and devices helping us (1) escape from oppressive and dangerous work and (2) achieve an abundant, satisfying life. That’s the promise. Certainly, the blessings of technology are countless but technology also has a price tag.

• Technology is often extremely complex and few of us can choose, understand, or manage it expertly or effectively.
• Technology is not always reliable; how do we deal with breakdowns?
• And technology has side effects, sometimes unforeseen. Who can help us maximize the benefits and minimize or mitigate the downsides?

We need help! Help choosing the right hardware and software. Help with training and optimal deployment. Help with repairs, troubleshooting, and upgrades. We need IT consultants!

Our WORK STORY guest is Dave Monk, the founder, CEO, and Principal Consultant at ArcSource Consulting—an IT services firm based in Albany, California—serving the needs of San Francisco Bay Area businesses since its founding in 1998. Dave and his ArcSource team have unique and award-winning expertise on the latest IT issues, needs, and trends in small and medium sized business. Visit their website ( to get a bigger picture on the firm and its recognition.

The ArcSource team is committed to good communication, proactive problem solving, long-term relationships, and excellent client service. “The ArcSource Way”—is mission-driven, value-embedded combination of highly trained tech wizards, continuously refined processes, and tools and technologies for great results for clients.

ArcSource CEO Dave Monk, is a techie —but also an entrepreneur and business manager—three important and challenging overlapping vocations we will hear about. Dave holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Architecture and an MS in Structural Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. Prior to ArcSource, Dave worked as an architectural designer focused on design development, construction and project management, and his firm’s growing computer network. Along this path, Dave became an expert in technology planning, server operating systems, application software, network design, problem solving, and IT training. A Christian from his youth, Dave has endeavored to honor God and “salt” and “light” his tech and business work with the values and ethics of Jesus and Scripture. Dave is a member of Solano Community Church in Albany, California.

What’s faith got to do with work as an IT consultant and business leader? Tune in and find out.

WORKSTORIES No.9 | Marda Quon Stothers • Architect & Manager


WORKSTORIES No.11 | Denise Daniels • Professor of Entrepreneurship