WORKSTORIES No.9 | Marda Quon Stothers • Architect & Manager

MARDA QUON STOTHERS leads Quon Stothers Associates (, providing personal and corporate asset management, architectural marketing, and leadership training in Berkeley, Los Angeles, and Ireland. Marda earned her bachelor’s degree in Environmental Design at UCLA—a program that involves urban planning, architecture, interior and landscape design. She also earned an MS in Management at Stanford University’s Business School. After her studies at UCLA, Marda moved to the San Francisco Bay Area where she worked for architectural firms for five years—then launched a long career working for the United States Navy, then the US Coast Guard, and finally the US Army Corps of Engineers. Her specialties were project design, planning, and management, environmental compliance, and engineering management—forming and leading teams wherever she went. Since leaving the civil service in 2005, she has worked as an executive director overseeing Presbyterian Church properties in Northern California. A founding board member of Workplace 313, Marda’s commitment to workplace discipleship was nurtured by the writings and gatherings of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Francis Schaeffer’s L’Abri Fellowship, her church, and her personal study. With her husband Ward Stothers, Marda took her skills and calling to Northern Island for extended periods of service in that conflicted land.

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WORKSTORIES No.8 | Art Hom • Psychiatric Social Worker


WORKSTORIES No.10 | Dave Monk • IT Consultant